Popular Comedian Emmanuella Samuel, simply known as ‘Little Emmanuella‘ who has over 400,000 hits on Youtube and numerous followers on her social media is certainly the youngest comedian in Nigeria. The 8 year-old star revealed how she started her comedy skit via social media and also, how she copes with her studies in a chat with Ademola Olunilua. Below are some of the excerpts:
How did you discover that you are good at making people laugh?
Emmanuella: I knew i could do comedy when i realized that i could make laugh people laugh especially my classmates.
How did you start posting your comedy skits on social medias?
Emmanuella: My uncle started uploading our skits on social media in 2014, that should be about 2 years ago. I am one of the kids under the Mark Angel comedy corporation but i am the star kid right now. There are other kids in the company but i was told that i have more public appeal and the other kids are not that mature. We began posting comedy skits online because it was cheaper and we needed a voice.
How about your school?
Emmanuella: After the holiday, i will be in basic 2.
How have you been coping with fame and school?
Emmanuella: They don’t clash. I am still a kid i am happy that my uncle is not treating me like an adult but a kid that i am. I think things can only go wrong when they start treating me like an adult because i cannot become one overnight. Nothing has really changed about me since i became popular. The only difference is that most weekends, i am not usually at home because there are several events i have to attend. When i am home, i live my normal life and am not treated like a celebrity except occasionally when some people in my area see me and tell me they love my videos.
I don’t have any issue with being popular. It does not affect my school that much.
During this holiday, i have started shooting for the next season, so when i resume school, i will just begin to release my videos. By doing this, it does not clash with my school work. It is only when i have an emergency shoot that i can be permitted to shoot when school resumes and it is usually on Fridays.
Emmanuella also stated it was God that gave her the talent because she did not plan to become a star.