A divorce seeking wife has accused her husband of employing an Islamic preacher to have sex with her for money-making...
A couple’s marriage has collapsed after a woman introduced her boyfriend to her husband as an uncle. Clayton Nyakuwanana, 28,...
A mild drama ensued on Facebook recently as one of the first marriage of the year is that of Chidimma Obodoechina...
I have been with my boyfriend, on and off, for 18 months. We love and care about each other and...
Lesbian couples are more than twice as likely to get divorced than gay men, new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have...
A mum-of-four reckons looking half her age is a curse as she's too good-looking to find love. Dawn Cousins, 44,...
I have always been deathly afraid of ghosts. I don’t know why. As a child, the easiest way to terrify...
WITH the recent findings that most young people don’t have the confidence to ask questions about sex and parents and...
A police woman attached to Lagos Command (name withheld) simply referred to as Chinyere has been battling to regain her...
The raging issue whether to make forced marital intercourse and sexual acts part of offence of rape in penal law...
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