Tragedy struck at Dora Okpara Village, Umuhu Ukpor in Nnewi South L.G.A, Anambra State on Friday, as 56 years old...
A woman by name Jane Tubotamuno Kayode, had on the 22nd of June, 2017, posted an appeal on the popular...
A new study has found a link between frequent sexual activity and improved brain function in older adults. People who...
For guys who game, researchers have good news and bad news. The good news is that guys who play video...
Over time, an exciting marriage can divulge into one riddled with boring everyday routines. The marriage becomes all about the...
Crises are difficult and overwhelming experiences. Crises are not impossible difficulties, but the situation become disastrous when people do not...
Well, rightly or wrongly, sex experts say the following are the signs to watch for if you’re suspecting that your woman...
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A report has filtered from Kano about an incident involving a couple...
A Qatari man thought it was a good idea to seal his wife’s vagina with crazy glue as he was...
If asked to name signs of abuse in a relationship, many would assume physical violence. Domestic violence and relationship abuse...
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