As the family squabbles in the house of Copyright Society of Nigeria, COSON, the sole collective management organisation in Nigeria, deteriorate,a petition has been released requesting stakeholders to demand full forensic audit of the society’s purse.
Read below:
We the undersigned, members of the Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) and concerned industry stakeholders hereby demand a full forensic audit of the society’s account and operations from January 2015 to February 28, 2018.

While we acknowledge your interventionist position particularly in regards to the convening of an Annual General Meeting within a stipulated period, we believe that a published report of tidy audit of accounts and probe of operations is basic prerequisite for an AGM.
Allegations and counter allegations of the contending parties have far-reaching impact on the survival and future of the CMO in particularly and the industry in general so the establishment of the facts is fundamental to any resolution process.
Kindly use your good office to initiate and expedite immediate probe in the interest of members, users, industry stakeholders and Nigeria in general.
Thanking you in anticipation of your prompt response and full cooperation.