It is with a heavy heart that I must bring you, for the second time this week, news of the president’s junk.
Yesterday, we learned that CBS may have edited out adult-film star Stormy Daniels’s detailed description of Donald Trump’s genitalia from her 60 Minutes interview. Ahh! We were still reeling from that chilling image when, on Thursday, HuffPost resurfaced a 2007 segment of comedian Adam Carolla’s radio show The Adam Carolla Show which — in addition to rampant misogyny and the phrase “a-doi-oi-oing” — features Donald Trump Jr. discussing his father’s penis.
During the show, which was broadcast live from the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, the hosts asked Don Jr. a number of hard-hitting questions like, “Did you always plan to follow in your father’s footsteps, meaning become a billionaire and bone hot chicks?” and “Did you ever have sex with Miss USA?” (Yes and probably yes, respectively.) Worried, perhaps, that the conversation was getting too high-brow, one host asked the future First Boy:

“I got one question, Donald Jr.: When you and your pops are in the shower, who’s got the bigger package? You know what I’m saying.”
In fact, Don Jr. did know what he was saying.
“You know, and I will get fired for this, but I’m never going to say that I don’t,” he laughed. “I will get fired for that. By the way, they’re both pretty substantial, I think.”
Don Jr. also talked about the “hell” he was going through being at the Playboy Mansion with his soon-to-be ex-wife Vanessa, who was pregnant at the time — a hell that sounds almost as bad as being pregnant at the Playboy Mansion while your husband talks onstage about who he’s slept with and his dad’s D.