I used to be a tomboy, but I had to change after men started running from me thinking I was a lesbian.
I got married two years ago, and the only thing I begged my husband for was never to hit me, and he promised.
Ever since we got married, he has been threatening to hit me but he never did, until yesterday my ex called me and we spoke for a long time. He was telling me about his broken marriage and I was encouraging him. My husband just came from nowhere and dragged the phone from me and threw it at the wall. I was shocked, I didn’t know why he did that and I tried to ask, but he slapped me.

The man in me came out. I lifted my husband and threw him to the ground, I boxed him till he started bleeding and begging, then I came back to my senses. By then he had fainted. I had to pour water on him and called for help.
He is still in the hospital and I injured him so bad. I don’t know if my hands were iron because I can’t believe my hands did that to him. When he gained consciousness this morning, the first thing he said was that I should tell the doctor that he got into a fight with his driver. But I have already told the doctor that I beat him up. What can I do now? I don’t know his thoughts for me now. Guys, if you are the one will you call of the marriage if your wife beats you up? I want to know, please I am so scared.
@squadylala: Just divorce yourself.
@blessing_ceo: Kind of excited that it’s a woman beating this time. When he gets back apologise to him, buy him a gift, shoes, shirt or anything he likes, then go on your knees and beg him. Say, “baby I promise I will never hit you again.” Those are there lines, then make love to him. Case closed. Ladies is that not how they beg us and we forgive them? So poster just follow the lines. Good luck.
@jay_wizie: ROTFL, fight with the driver! He should have said a truck hit him. But seriously, am I mad to still stay in the marriage before one day I would just say the wrong thing and aunty-undertaker would just pull out her WWE skills and I would be looking for what lie to tell the angels.
@gofwenjoy: Chop kiss jare! Go and look for chilled coke and drink to reduce the boxing stress. Then prepare his favourite for him whenever he’s discharged.
@iam_caeser1: If it were me, I wont divorce you, I’ll just avoid beating you again