Donald Trump’s use of a cheat sheet, which included a reminder to say “I hear you”, has been condemned on social media.
The President took the official White House cue card into a listening session for survivors of school mass shootings, organised in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 dead.
Other handwritten cues that could be seen on the card included “What would you most want me to know about your experience?” and “What can we do to help you feel safe?”

Mr Trump has been accused of feigning compassion after photographs of the note emerged.
Hillary Clinton’s political adviser, Adam Parkhomenko, wrote: “Trump brought Cliff notes to the gun violence listening session. Final note ‘I hear you'”.
Twitter user Cveronica wrote: “What kind of person needs notes to show empathy to children who were under heavy fire from a maniac? Kids who lost 17 people in the time it took the killer to aim his rapid fire AR-15”.
Michigan resident Demeralda wrote: “Also it’s sad someone else wrote it for him.”
While Scott Brook wryly noted: “Even a ‘stable genius’ needs reminders for such long and complex phrases.”
Others noted that none of the questions and responses were actually used by the President at the meeting.
During the session, which was attended by groups from Sandy Hook and Columbine as well as Marjory Stoneman students, the President heard first-hand accounts from bereaved parents and friends, and teenagers who narrowly escaped with their lives.
In response to their appeal for stricter gun control, Mr Trump promised better background checks, but also called for teachers to be armed suggested an end to gun-free zones near schools, which he said encouraged “cowardly maniacs” to attack.