THE Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok Ete-Ibas, has called on Nigerians to all stand in unity with President Muhammadu Buhari to end the current security challenges in the country Vice Admiral Ibok Ibas Ete-Ibas said the panacea to the insecurity plaguing the country was the unity of both the government and the governed in tackling the situation headlong.
Speaking yesterday during the interdenominational church service to commemorate the 62nd Anniversary of the Nigerian Navy at the Mogadishu Cantonment, Abuja,Ete-Ibas assured that with the security challenges in the country would soon be a thing of the past going by the hard work and determination on the part of security agents.
‘As you are aware, our dear nation is facing several security challenges at the moment and we must all therefore stand united with the president and all who are in power to confront the current challenges that the nation faces today.

“I believe that with hard-work and determination, the present situation will be a thing of the past, “he said. Meanwhile, he hailed all Nigerian Navy personnel for the sacrifice so far in their efforts at fighting insurgency and economic sabotage in other to maintain the peace and unity of the country.
” May I seize this opportunity also to restate that as we fight together towards achieving the change agenda of Mr President, it must be emphasized that security is the key to its overall attainment, “he added.
The Naval chief hinted that the” Nigerian Navy transformation plan was anchored on the vision to em-place the navy that is adequately motivated and capable to effectively combating security challenges in nigeria’s maritime domain.
” While saying he was not unaware of the constraints in the Nigerian Navy operations as well as the myriads of welfare problems facing the service, he stated that improving welfare has raised the hallmark of his administration.
Hear him:”Improving welfare has remained the cornerstone of my administration as demonstrated in the numerous welfare and administrative projects in various stages of completion across the various commands and establishments.”
Speaking to the Navy personnel, Ete-Ibas said:”As we celebrate the Navy Week , I want to remind us all of our sacred duty to continue to remain committed to the defense of our country.
“On the part of the leadership, you can count on the fact that we will remain unwavering in the pursuit of necessary enablement to fire you up for the optimization of your output.
“It is a covenant that we are bound to, that we are determined to realise and of which we converge here to seek the face of God. “I therefore urge you all to continue to collectively and individually conduct yourself and discharge your duties with highest sense of integrity, teamwork and professionalism.”
He said the Nigerian Navy owed its achievements since inception to God, who he said, has been blessing the service with abundant human and material resources.