We started on a 40 acre of land which was very successful,we decided to go bigger by acquiring another 96 acres,it is also a success story.All the investors are smiling to the bank,they’ve not for once regretted doing an investment with us on PLANTAIN FARMING.We are on the verge of cultivating another 300 acres of land in Lagos,You may lease or buy the land outrightly.Ours is to manage your farm for you from inception till as long as you want.And if you have a farmland,we are always ready to set up your farm for you.Our series of HYBRID SUCKERS is the reason why we are so successful because the harvest is short termed and the production(the plantain bunches)is so big,which differentiate it from the locals.Be rest assured that you will break even on your first harvest while subsequent harvests are after EVERY 4 MONTHS which is automatically your profits.This continues for as long as the farm is properly managed by experts like us.
THE DEMAND FOR PLANTAIN is seriously on rise by the day and we are confident that the market is not going to be a problem.
PLANTAIN FLOUR EXPORTATION is a major market which we have not been able to meet its demand.The local traders have to pay in advance for them to get their plantain.
OUR PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT CHARGES is not much.These are our contacts :
08034030244; 08072596329 E-mail,