In popular culture, certain countries are stereotypically associated with certain products — beer in Germany, carpets in Turkey, electronics in Japan.
But those things aren’t what people are really searching for.
Cost-estimating website put together a map of the world with the most-Googled-for object in each country, using the autocomplete formula of “How much does * cost in [x country].”

While the results are far from scientific — since Google autocomplete results vary based on the searcher’s history, the time of search, and the place of search — they do say at least a little bit about how countries are perceived.
Some of the fascinating — and troubling — results:
• People want to know how much a flight in a MIG aircraft costs in Russia.
• People want to know how much a prostitute costs in Brazil.
• People want to know how much rhinoplasty costs in South Korea.
Here are the maps: