Right activist, Harrison Gwamnishu has brought to the attention of Nigerians a case he is currently handling of a Nigerian father refusing medical assistance for his ailing daughter, Precious, just because his church, Jehovah’s Witness, is against blood transfusion.
Harrison Gwamnishu, who met with the parents in Sapele, Delta state, shared a video on social media and Nigerians are outraged following the release of the video showing the father of the child clearly refusing blood transfusion.
Precious suffers from Hydrocephalus and might need blood transfusion if surgery is carried out on her.

Hydrocephalus is a condition in which an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs within the brain. This typically causes increased pressure inside the skull.
Her father in a chat with Harrison said he is not opposed to medical help for his daughter but what he will never consent to is for a blood transfusion to be done on his one year and 7 months old daughter.
”We in Jehovah’s witnesses, we don’t take blood. I would not want to transfuse blood into the child. We will not accept blood transfusion. If in the course of surgery they would transfuse blood in the child, we would not want that. I don’t want my baby to die but that is our faith” he said.