Um… this is just… I can’t even… oh, goodness. Whatever you do, don’t take any sips of ANYTHING before reading the cover sheet of Friday’s new court filing from Donald Trump stooge Michael Cohen in the Stormy Daniels case. (AND DON’T MISS THE BLUE HIGHLIGHTS)

Does that make “David Dennison” Trump’s porn name?
Ok, just to be clear, that’s Trump’s lawyer admitting that the “David Dennison”—who didn’t actually sign the Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) with adult film star and alleged Trump mistress Stormy Daniels—is indeed the Pr*sident of the United States. That’s a problem for Trump, explained here.

Surely there’s more to be said about this in the days to come. It’s an attempt to move the case from California State court to federal court, which would be more friendly to confidential arbitration proceedings (i.e. away from the public, thereby silencing Daniels).
Federal courts tend to more strictly enforce arbitration agreements, which could lead to Daniels being forced into a closed-door legal forum where an arbitrator has already issued an injunction against her. California courts tend to to be less friendly to arbitration.
In a separate filing Friday, Trump’s lawyers charged that Daniels has violated that NDA to the tune of $20 million in damages.